Saturday, April 21, 2012

Search and Embark...

I began my journey to the SEED Summit by not knowing that I am so far away from the light...

In my line of work, I have the blessing to work with children, but not until I took my two teenage daughters to SEED that I realized the work of God through the young leaders. These leaders are not professional educators. They are not trained to handle young children through college courses, nor had the official training, but somehow the outcomes of the work they do are just simply miraculous. Both of my daughters are touched by God's love through these young leaders. More than ever, I realized the power of God and his work. Returned  home from SEED,  my family kept talking about the experience and how it has changed each one of us...

By some mysterious reasons, I was sent by my Dong Hanh CLC to attend the SEED Summit in Arizona this year. I left Houston feeling very nervous with the feeling of unworthiness; but once there, I immersed myself in an eye-opening experience: that my generation, is being called to support the mission of SEED, especially to support the young leaders. The ones who are empowered by God, the ones who are given the mission to tend the young souls and to nurture the seeds of faith. God enables them to transfer the fire in their hearts into the younger children. God gives each one of them his grace. He turns them to his modern day disciples. I find myself searching, embarking, experiencing and discovering as I spend more time with the group.

Witnessing God's work through the young minds and experiencing humbly the mighty power of God made me so enthusiastic and hunger for more knowledge. The young leaders are such amazing creations of God. He is working though them, guiding and blessing them. I will never forget the sharing of T.V. in the "mixed track". We were sharing how inadequate we feel about handling the S.E.E.D.ministry locally and individually, when T.V. shared with us about her inquiry regarding her journey of faith. She said: "God is the Light, I keep on walking toward the Light..." When she was far away from the light, she was in the dark, therefore she didn't see her own shadow and its edges; but the closer she is to the light, the sharper her shadow becomes, and that she started to see the rough edges around it and all the imperfections of her own shadow. Wow---it sure was powerful to learn that from a person less than half my age. As the days passed, I realized how blessed I was for being there. When the summit was over, I felt so charged with enthusiasm and eagerness to share what I have gathered and learned with my local Dong Hanh group, with my small family and my church. I felt that I have searched, embarked, experienced and discovered...

"Lord Jesus, into this journey of life you have called me into being, though I cannot always see the path ahead of me, I place my trust in you to show me the way. Strengthen my soul through the glory of your cross to pick up the pack you have chosen for me. Accompany me every step of the way so that I can see every moment as a precious gift from you. Teach me how to embrace my own personal journey so that I can become who you have called me to be..."

Minh Thuy

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