Monday, October 26, 2009

Thứ Hai 26-10

Bài đọc
Rom 8:12-17
TV 67(68):2, 4, 6-7, 20-21
Luca 13:10-17

"Những kẻ đạo đức giả kia! Thế ngày sa-bát, ai trong các người lại không cởi dây, dắt bò lừa rời máng cỏ đi uống nước?"

Vậy mà họ ngăn chặn Đức Giêsu dẫn đưa một phụ nữ - đã 18 năm bị Xatan trói buộc - đến mạch suối trường sinh của Thiên Chúa!


"She at once stood up straight and glorified God"

There was a time when I was not, and you created me.
I had not prayed yet you made me.
I had not yet come into the light yet you saw me.
I had not appeared yet you took pity on me.
I had not invoked you yet you cared for me.
I had not signalled yet you looked at me.
I had not craved your pardon yet you had mercy on me.
I had not breathed a word yet you heard me.
I had not sighed yet you listened.

Even though you knew what would now happen to me
you did not despise me.
Even after considering with your foreseeing gaze
the offences of the sinner that I am,
you nonetheless formed me.
And even now may I, whom you created,
whom you saved,
who have been the object of such care,
not be lost forever by the wounds of sins
aroused in me by the Accuser!...

Bound, paralyzed,
bent double like the afflicted woman,
my poor soul is unable to stand upright.
It cleaves to the earth beneath the weight of sin
because of Satan's heavy bonds...
Incline towards me, Merciful One,
poor fallen, thinking tree.
Make me flower again in beauty and splendor,
I who am withered and dry,
according to the divine words spoken by the holy prophet (Ez 17,22-24)...
You who alone are our Protector
deign to cast your glance at me
out of the concern of your inexpressible love...
and, out of nothing, you will create within me
light itself. (cf. Gn 1,3).

Gregory of Narek (c.944-1010), Armenian monk and poet
Book of prayers, n°18 (SC 78, p. 123 rev.)

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