Monday, February 20, 2012


Dear Friends,
I had hoped by now to be in touch with many of you by phone or email to follow up on the "Our home in Rome" project.  It was great to see many of you in Dallas and be part of the Dong Hanh Assembly.  I came home intending to follow up personally but am only getting back to you now and that by email.   The lupus which had been in remission for over 6 years has flared up again and though I am not nearly as sick as I was in 2004, it has slowed me down considerably.  So I am following up this way and hoping some of you will be in a position to support the project. 
We have now raised over 210,000 of the 330,000 Euros we need.  I travel to Rome on Thursday for our annual meeting and will give a report on CLC USA and Canada.  Please consider making a pledge to the project in the next several weeks.  You can make a pledge by responding to this email or  contacting Kitty Gray, our CLC USA treasurer.  She has set up a restricted fund for the project. 
Thank you for considering this request.  Please also keep me and the upcoming ExCo meeting in your prayer as I travel to Rome this week.  


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Cac anh chi va cac ban men,

Mh hy vong cac ace va cac ban ung ho World-CLC accommodation project nay. Su dong gop cua tung thanh vien la vien gach de giup CLC duoc on dinh hon ve tai chanh. Mh xin gui kem voi email nay presentation (pdf format) ma van phong WCLC da soan de cat nghia ve accommodation project. Doi voi Mh, project nay se giup cho CLC ve duong dai de co tai chinh giup trong cac cong viec tong do o nhung quoc gia dang can den.

Duoc biet co mot vai anh chi da dong gop, Mh rat mung. Hy vong se co nhieu anh chi huong ung hon. Mh nghi su tham gia cua DH, it nhieu tuy kha nang, noi len su hiep nhat cua minh voi tat ca cac ace trong CLC the gioi. We are one world community.

Thuong men trong Ngai,

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Dear chi MH,

Is it true that we can send in a pledge but we don’t have to send in the full amount right awaỵ  We can send it in as installments of that is better.    Please confirm before any of us send in our pledge.


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Yes you can pledge and pay later. Here is Lois' reply to the pledge question:
"Yes you can contribute later.  We are simply asking people to let us know how much--when they can and whether to expect their pledge before or after February 29th so we can plan.  Many pledges will come in later in 2012--perhaps some even later" 

 Please make your donation check to CLC-USA,
3601 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63108
Attn: World CLC Accommodation project

CLC-USA has established a restricted fund for this project. You will receive a tax receipt for your contribution


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