Wednesday, January 26, 2011

March for Life

A celebration of life:

Our preparation for the 2011 March of Life began early last year, the evening before the 2010 March of Life to be precise, after attending a Rally for Life at Holy Spirit Church. At the time, our children were attending a public school and we were beginning to see that they were under a tremendous pressure (peer) to behave and to adopt certain view points which is not very Christianlike from stories that they told after coming home from school. As concerned parents we would prayed for ways to provide them with as strong as a catholic formation as we could possibly can. God blessed us by providing opportunity for all of them to attend Catholic School this past year, but even that was no enough. Thru prayers, we see that attending Catholic School was not enough, but we have to do more. Surrounding our children with God's words and friends who come from family that share similar faith and church teaching was critical, it is a way to let our children know that it is okay to be different from other at school; that they are not alone with it comes to upholding the church teaching.

As the day for the 2011 march for life drew near, we were faced with many temptations. Temptation to not attend entirely due to the forecast weather. The temptation to keep the children in school and away from the rally because of the weather was not far behind. I brought both issues into my conversation with God. The toughest part for me was patiently waiting and allowing God to speak. God's answer came, not as a bolt of lightning, not as a loud voice over the loud speaker, but just gentle feeling of assurance and a gently invitation to trust. I feel a very gentle sense of assurance that things would be okay and just to push on with our plan to attend the March with the Children.

Attending Youth Rally Mass always bring me many consolations and this year was not an exception. Surrounded by youths, it brings me hope of a brighter future. Surround by many religious, especially the young ones, give me great hope for the church. Hearing many young people (some well known such as Maddy Curtis of American Idol fame) sharing their experiences about faith and about their love and respect for life, reaffirm my belief in the one true God. As far as our children, having them there was a great joy for me. Having them asking questions about various aspects of the rally, and of mass brought smiles to my face and soothe my spirit.

We were not alone yesterday. Besides the 30,000 screaming youths at the Verizon Center and the Station Armory, and an estimated crowd of 200,000 people marching, I knew that I have all of Donghanh CLC praying and accompanying us there. I knew the Pope was with us as well, thru the presence of the Papal Nuncio and the reading a Papal letter and blessing from His Holiness Pope Benedict XIV. I felt the bond with our community, I felt the prayer and the support from each individual of our community. I felt them all. I offered all to God and to our Blessed Mother as we prayed the rosary yesterday.

March for Life was definitely a life giving event for me. I cherished each and every face that I meet. I embraced each feeling and emotion that I experience. I thank God and offer them all to God.

God bless,

more pictures:

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