Thursday, December 23, 2010

Majesty and Poverty

Shortly before 10:00 a.m. my father and I took a cab to the cathedral. It was packed, but I was able to get my father a seat in the front row, which was reserved for the elderly. The service was festive, solemn, and very "royal" - processions, incense, candles, and many servers.

The archbisop of Freiburg presided and gave the homily. "Does this cathedral help or hinder us in understanding the mystery of Christmas?" he asked. I was fascinated by the question, since I had just been thinking about the fact that such a hidden and poor event as the birth of Jesus had inspired the creation of such a majestic building and such a rich liturgy. What had all the Gothic splendour, the paintings and sculptures, the robes, staff, mitre, and long ceremonies to do with the little baby born in Bethlehem twenty centuries ago?

Henri Nouwen
Sabbatical Journey

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